My dear students the general questions for the reading passage Unit 5 is in the homework page
Good Luck in Your Exams

الجمعة، 18 نوفمبر 2011


       There must be a solution
     As the population of the world is getting bigger and bigger the need to find other ways to let people get to their destination is ergent now.


    I asked my students to think about the future and try to create a new way of transportation which can solve some of today's problems..

We started at the classroom by filling the following table..
         My students were very creative and have very nice ideas.. we have a good time..

     As a group project they will draw a picture in a separate piece of paper and write a paragraph describing the project then present it to the class within one week.

        Hopefully, I will post their projects soon.

هناك 8 تعليقات:

  1. It's nice to find
    Patience of the crowds going about their business
    Demonstrates attention and patience
    Praise be to God for everything
    We praise God for the grace that we are in

  2. Global population will increase rapidly every day, numbering finally seven billion (seven thousand million) people and the vast number of the world's population is concentrated very heavily in the major cities in all countries of the world and is a flaw Khzira in the distribution of population between rural and urban areas and the increasing world population so rapid is a disaster on the population, especially those that do not offset the increaseA parallel increase in the resources and Alavtsadah Alhaddmat Health and Human diverse needs of people everywhere and disturbing phenomena of congestion that transport diverse population than in the absorptive capacity and shows Slukian inhuman was the dignity and safety of people at risk as this scene onYouTube, which shows the passengers crammed themselves into a train Hacra then it does not depend on this, but the staff officials to pay people a humiliating and dangerous inside the train.

  3. I hate the Congestion
    as you know, the number of people in china is huge and they're riding the train in a minute and a half &No nuisance comparing their number

    I think all of them in the train feel suffocated


  4. What's that 0_0
    Securities push the people inside the train … what's this
    I didn't expect the Securities cruelty
    The Chinese have Flexible body >> I like it
    Oh, "It's a real problem
    I think they should get train have 2 floor like bus have 2 floor  

  5. This Is not reasonable never !!
    How can they bear it or breathe or feel comfortable
    But i am begrudge much for their patience If this in our country will not find anyone, Which bear little bear this great people

    Big Bang

  6. thank you girls for you comments. We should always thank Allah. for all his blessing and one of them is the ease of transportation in our country.

  7. The security pushing people inside the train strongly
    Amazing in his own way

    T u l i p
